Selected fields in /locations response

Field nameDescription
idUnique location ID - used in job offers to refer to a correct location
nameLocation name
country_codeShortened country code expressed in ISO 3166 (link)
state_nameHard coded value, depending on the country, translated within the "full_address" translation field
cityManually populated value for city, not automatically translated (required)
streetManually populated value for street, not automatically translated (optional)
postal_codeManually populated value for postal code, not automatically translated (optional)
full_addressOne line address with the following scheme: country, state, city, postal code, street
created_atDate when the location was first created
updated_atDate when the location was last edited
archived_atDate when the location was archived
lang_codeDefault language code of the location
active_offers_countNumber of offers the location is assigned to
active_requisitions_countNumber of requisitions the offer is assigned to
is_deletableLocation with value "false" cannot be deleted unless it is unassigned from all offers
translationsArray of objects containing translation fields and values, one object for every language
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